However basic works concern cosmology (1984, 1988), in which he elaborated the stationary model of the Universe and he has shown a groundlessness of the Big Bang. He has proved identity of inertial and gravitational masses, has unclosed gravitational viscosity and geodetic curvature of the Universe. He has also proved that the microwave cosmic phon is cumulative radiation of all stars of the Universe, and the cosmological redshift is effect of the electromagnetic waves dissipation in the ether.
2. Military service and work
Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Ukraine (1969-1994). Its military rank is lieutenant colonel in reserve.
The participant of creation of the Nuclear Insurance Pool of Ukraine (1996).
The principal of the research work under orders of National Space Agency of Ukraine (1997-1998).
The principal of the research work on introduction of not state provision of pensions (1999-2000).
Editor-in-chief of the "Spacetime & Substance" International Physical Journal (since 2000).
The President Assistant of the "Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication", JSC, in Scientific Work (since 1997).
3. Education, diplomas and certificates:
1) The Chernuchy Eight-Years School (1959-1967);
2) The Chernuchy High School (1967-1969);
3) The 2-nd Kharkov Military Air-Technical College on the speciality "The radio communication and broadcasting" (Ukraine, 1969-1972);
4) The Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy on the speciality "The armamenof flight vehicles" (Moscow, 1977-1981), excellent officer-student last two years;
5) The Post-Graduate Course at this Academy (Moscow, 1981-1984);
6) Voronezh Humanitarian University (Russia, 1985-1987);
7) Voronezh Humanitarian University with the red diploma in the other speciality (Russia, 1987-1989);
8) Courses at the Rostok Insurance Company (JSC) on all views of insurance (Kiev, 1993-1995);
9) External Studies Actuary Courses (Kiev, 1996);
10) Joint person working for doctor's degree of the Inter-Regional Academy of the Personnel Management (Ukraine), International Personnel Academy and International Open University (USA) (Kiev, 1996-1998);
11) Academic degree 1: "Candidate of engineering science" (USSR, 1985);
12) Academic degree 2: "Doctor of philosophy in business management" (actuarial mathematics) (Ukraine, USA, 1998);
13) Academic status: "Assistant Professor" (USSR, 1990);
14) Member of the European Astronomical Society (since 2000);
15) Self-maintained and continuous study and research of the relativity theory, gravitation and cosmology (from 1970 till the present time).
4. Interests and fields of the scientific activity (and new results):
1) Aviation (aircraft without an induced drag);
2) Actuarial calculations (new methods of an estimate of the nuclear risks and the risks of space start);
3) Astronomy (new scale of extragalactic distances);
4) Astrophysics (explanation of cosmological redshift and microwave cosmic phon);
5) The combat application of aircrafts armament (new methods of the rockets starting);
6) Fighting efficiency (new methods);
7) Armament (new constructions of pistols, guns, torpedos, aircrafts armament equipment, theory of the shooting weapon);
8) Gravitation (new law of gravitation);
9) Engines (new designs of engines of interior and exterior combustion);
10) Painting (many drawings and 5 portraits in oil);
11) Game on musical tools (guitar, domra, mandolin, accordion);
12) History (discovery of domestic war 945-980 years in Kiev's Russia);
13) Cosmology (new stationary model of the Universe);
14) Marathon race (first race in 1976);
15) Mathematics (principles of the theory of random functions reflection);
16) World religions (research of interrelations between the man and God);
17) Social science (the new theory of the state);
18) Pedagogics (new testing methods of students knowledge);
19) Provision of pensions (new model of the pension fund with effects of the mutual aid fund);
20) Politics (the candidate of the Russian Parliament in 1989);
21) Versification (170 poem and rhyme);
22) Psychology (research of the personal performances);
23) Radio engineering (new expedient of reception of radio signals);
24) Sexology (new methods of an estimate of the man's sexual constitution);
25) Composition of music (more than 10 musical composition for a guitar);
26) Sporting track-and-field coachings (new system of the Chameleon coaching );
27) Shooting from a rifle and pistol (sportsman - discharger);
28) Insurance business (new rules on all views of insurance);
29) Theory of probabilities (new distribution law of variates);
30) Theory of the casual processes (method of the dynamic balance of composite systems);
31) Theory of the relativity (new version of the Special Relativity, terminating of the field formulation of the General Relativity);
32) Ufology (explanation of the flight principle of "flying saucers");
33) Physiology of the man (new methods of the physical tests);
34) Philosophy (philosophical substantiation of the new results in physics);
35) Esoteric knowledge (research of an origin of ancient knowledge);
36) Economics (teaching of the doctrine about the negative dividend) etc.
5. The works on the relativity theory, gravitation, cosmology and astrophysics:
1. "On the some results following from the universal gravity law." Borisoglebsk, 1986, 58 pp. (in Russian).
2. "Metamorphoses of cosmology." In "The Relativity Theory: for and against," FENID, Gomel, 3, 89 (1991) (in Russian).
3. "The cosmological solutions of the Einstein equations." Kharkiv, KhVVAUL, 1995, 16 pp. (in Russian).
4. "The new stationary model of the Universe." The Gamov memorial international conference "The Univerce of Gamov: original ideas in astrophysics and cosmology" (GMIC'99), Odessa, August 16-22, 1999, Abstracs, p. 37.
5. "Cosmic equilibrium electromagnetic radiation," Kharkiv Univ. Public., 456/2, 2000, p. 244 (in Russian).
6. "The Microwave Background Radiation as aggregate radiation of all stars." The XVII international conference "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy," Puschino, Moscow region, Russia, April 12-14, 2000 (in Russian).
7. "The axiomatic theory of the Microwave Background Radiation." The Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting "European Astronomy at the Turn of the Millennium" (JENAM-2000), Moskow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, Abstracs, p. 48.
8. "About identity of inertial and gravitational masses." The Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting "European Astronomy at the Turn of the Millennium" (JENAM-2000), Moskow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, Abstracs, p. 168.
9. "Cosmology," Kharkiv, Model Vselennoy Ltd, 2000, 464 pp. (in Russian).
10. "Field formulation of the General Relativity and cosmology." The Ukrainian-Russian conference "Gravitation, cosmology and relativistic astrophysics" (GRAV-2000), Kharkiv, Ukraine, November 8-11, 2000, Abstracs, p. 37.
11. "Cosmological effects in bulky Michelson-Morley interferometers." The Ukrainian-Russian conference "Gravitation, cosmology and relativistic astrophysics" (GRAV-2000), Kharkiv, Ukraine, November 8-11, 2000, Abstracts, p. 73.
12. "The identity of inertial and gravitational masses is proved!" Spacetime & Substance, 1, 1, 23-28 (2000).
13. "The Microwave Background Radiation as aggregate radiation of all stars." Spacetime & Substance, 1, 1, 29-34 (2000).
14. "Gravitation viscosity and geotetic curvature of the Universe." Spacetime & Substance, 1, 2, 71-77 (2000).
15. "Gravitation viscosity and geotetic curvature of the Universe." Spacetime & Substance, 1, 3, 1-5 (2000). (in Russian).
16. "Field formulation of the General Relativity and cosmology." Spacetime & Substance, 1, 4, 71-77 (2000).
17. "Cosmological effects in bulky Michelson-Morley interferometers." Spacetime & Substance, 1, 5, 71-77 (2000). (in Russian).
18. "Field formulation of the General Relativity and problems of cosmology." Spacetime & Substance, 2, 1, 71-77 (2001).
19. "Properties of the Yukawa potential and gravitational screening of a substance." Spacetime & Substance, 2, 3, 105 (2001).
20. "On the united nature of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear interactions." Spacetime & Substance, 2, 4, 165 (2001).
21. "Quasars and the large-scale structure of the Universe. "Spacetime & Substance, 2, 5, 193 (2001). (With V.V. Moroz and A.M. Varaksin).
22. "Cosmology: the physical laws, model of the Universe, extragalactic observations," Kharkiv, Model Vselennoy Ltd, 2002, 200 pp. (in Press).