2. Education
1) Soviet Secondary School, No. 20, Darhana city, Mongolia (1986).
2) Kharkov Electromechanical Technical School graduated magna cum laude (1986-1990).
3) Kharkov State Polytechnic University graduated magna cum laude (1990-1996).
4) Post-Graduate Course of the Kharkov State Polytechnic University (1996-2000).
3. Working
1) Chief of an Information Department of "ARMA" Insurance Company (1995-1997).
2) Lecturer of the "International Slavonic University" (1997-2000).
3) Participant of research effort under order of National Space Agency of Ukraine (1997-1998).
4) Participant of research effort on introduction of not state provision of pensions (1999-2000).
5) System Administrator of the "Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication", JSC (since 2000).
6) Technical Editor of the "Spacetime & Substance" International Physical Journal (since 2000).
4. Interests and enthusiasmes
1) Information and Internet technology.
2) Nonconventional ideology and scientific theories.
3) Tourism.
4) Pairgliderism.
5. The basic publications
1) Varaksin V.M., Zhuck N.A., Moroz V.Ì. etc. "Information and analytical database on obligatory insurance at realization of space activity in Ukraine and development of the database legal norm for organization and realization of obligatory space insurance". Research work by the order of National Space Agency of Ukraine. - Kharkov, RTI TTR, report of NIR, 1998, 273 p. (in Russian).
2) Varaksin V.M., Zhuck N.A., Moroz V.Ì. "Analysis of normative base of Ukraine, development of the program and conditions of not state provision of pensions". - Kharkov, RTI TTR, report of NIR, 1999, 312 p. (in Russian).
3) Zhuck N.A., Moroz V.V., Varaksin A.M. "Quasars and the Large-scale Structure of the Universe." Spacetime & Substance, 2, 5, 193-209 (2001). http://spacetime.narod.ru.
4) Zhuck N.A., Moroz V.V., Varaksin A.M. "Allocation of the Quazars and Large-scale Structure of the Universe". 11th International Conference "Teoretical and Experimental Problems of General Relativity and Gravitation", Abstracts, pp. 126-127.