Scientific discovery |
Authors Zhuck Nikolay Alekseevich, Organization Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC (Kharkiv, UKRAINE) Priority July 23, 2001, report at the scientific seminar in the Kharkiv National Technical University of Radioelectronics (Kharkiv, UKRAINE) Discovery formula Regularity in quasars allocation earlier unknown revealing that the quasars are grouped in thin walls of meshes with the medial size about 100 megaparsecs which like a foam homogeneously fill all apparent part of the Universe is determined. Scientific significance General scientific and weltanschauung significance of discovery is that, it cardinally changes our representation about global structure and development dynamics of the Universe as a single whole to confirm the concept of the stationary inconvertible Universe and to reject concept dynamic dilating Universe which erroneously formed in the XXth century and taking the beginning from a so-called the Big Bang, which ostensibly has taken place of 10-20 billions years ago. Practical significance The discovery confirms revealed earlier by one of the co-authors N.A. Zhuck the physical laws of the Universe functioning and competence of their practical use for cognition of the world and practical needs of a man. |